High-paying side gigs to 고페이 알바 target Do not need to put in insane hours to earn a great deal of cash. Whether you are a parent, a student, looking for side gigs, or simply looking to earn more for your time, take a look at our list of the highest-paying part-time jobs. You may pursue part-time jobs because you cannot get a full-time position, you need or want to earn an additional income in addition to your existing job, or you like the flexibility or variety that these positions provide.
Whatever your reasons for seeking out part-time jobs you can take from home, you can see there are plenty of opportunities out there in all kinds of different job titles and fields. Increasingly, media companies are listing part-time jobs in the writing industry that can be done remotely–though typically requesting the work to be done within working hours. There are plenty of employers that are unwilling to commit to adding a staff member to their payroll, and opportunities for freelance jobs are abundant. Freelancing, remote working, and flexible working opportunities are growing, and many of the freelancers are paying well.
This means even very highly-skilled professionals can likely find a side gig, which could be incredibly critical for making ends meet, particularly if you are affected by a COVID-19 layoff. Full-time employees also can have greater work responsibility and opportunities for professional growth, like getting promoted into a management role, than part-time employees. If you would rather spend your days working defined hours each week, a full-time job might be the better option for you. That way, if, say, you want to work just 20 hours per week, then you can forgo any part-time jobs that would require 30 hours.
Opportunities that pay substantially more could provide you with a measure of stability without the demands of full-time jobs. Whether you are a student looking for a little extra money, or a professional exploring a new career path, there are plenty of jobs that demand less than 40 hours a week. Servers at top-tier restaurants typically earn over $17/hour, especially if you are willing to work weekends or holidays. An $18.91/hour is certainly not uncommon, and some of the best servers can earn $41.97 or more.
It is unclear how much this works out at per hour, but people generally charge $500-$1500 a month, so you could make a pretty decent living as a part-timer if you are able to get a couple of clients. This is a field where a lot of businesses are looking for help, and the best part is you can multiplied earnings from working for many clients at once. At the same time, waitering can be a ridiculously enjoyable job, and once you take into account tips, servers earn $17/hour on average.
Many of my friends are working the jobs they do, as a way to get a free lesson, but also make decent hourly wages. Many not-all side jobs pay just the minimum wage, or require working hours that are impossible to squeeze into the rest of your life. There are plenty of other part-time jobs that pay better and will let you get above the minimum wage, including customer service reps, delivery drivers, and massage therapists.
So, whatever your interests and skills are, or how you are in your life, chances are good you can find the right fit for you right here. This job deserves a place on our list because it is time-flexible, and it pays exceptionally well after gaining one to two years experience. Even more importantly, this kind of work can be an excellent opportunity to build career skills and act as a springboard into a full-time career.
You will not have quite the same flexibility in this kind of role, but you will have a lot more stability, since employers generally want to find someone that is available for weekends on a long-term, consistent basis. It would not be uncommon to see your salary rise if you move from part-time to a full-time position; you might even see your compensation completely change, if you are paid a fixed salary instead of an hourly rate.
Once you are licensed, you may receive higher hourly rates working as an occupational therapist. For instance, a physical therapist assistant with a high school diploma who has completed an on-the-job training course can make $27 per hour. You may be able to find a part-time Occupational Therapy job by helping out with a private practice or working in a hospital, school, or retirement community.
Jobs such as proofreading, working as a 부달 virtual assistant or mentor, and designing websites typically pay over $20 an hour. At the higher end of the scale, jobs that leverage your creativity skills and experience (like graphic design) can easily bring in $60+ an hour (or more once you have built up a solid portfolio of work). Kinda like peanut butter and Oreos, except that the jobs we are talking about have lower hours (20 hours per week or less) and higher salaries (up to $50,000, but at least $20,000 a year), which, in our biased opinion, is much better.
You can find temp jobs on websites such as Craigslist, and it could be a great way to develop a stable customer base. If you take a few part-time jobs on a regular basis, you could make a nice living, all while creating your own schedule and breaking free from the grind of a 9-to-5.
Freelancing has gone from part-time job to full-time for me, as the pay is great and I am able to fit in with the hectic schedules of my family…it literally means that when one of my kids is unavoidably sick and needs to stay home from school, I will not need to take leave. I like having time to myself in the afternoons, pursuing work that I find enjoyable, working from home (as so many of my part-time roles allowed), seeking clients, being able to accept — and say no to!– assignments when I feel like it, and having a multi-faceted career not tied into a single role or employer.